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Les sociétés d’exploitation de la famille Duravant desservent les secteurs de la transformation alimentaire, de l’emballage et de la manutention.

The Duravant family of operating companies serve the food processing, packaging and material handling segments.

Supracafé and Multiscan Technologies have decided to accomplish a corporate and operational restructuring of their joint presence in the coffee technology supply market.

From September 1st, our subsidiary Sustainable Coffee Technologies (Suscotech) is no longer operative. Multiscan Technologies will reassume the entire operational capabilities and presence in the market and ensures full business continuity, both in sales and in service. With this restructuring, Multiscan’s capabilities can directly and more effectively be applied to enhance its offering in systems and technology for the coffee market, while simplifying operations.

Multiscan would also like to thank Supracafé for its supporting role and partnership in the coffee market throughout the past 10 years. Supracafé and Multiscan will continue their solid and fruiJul cooperation to develop knowledge and technology applicable to the coffee sector, as close partners, while Multiscan remains as a founding member of the research center Tecnicafé, in Colombia.

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If you want to know more about our products for cherry coffee sorting and inspection click here.