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Les sociétés d’exploitation de la famille Duravant desservent les secteurs de la transformation alimentaire, de l’emballage et de la manutention.

The Duravant family of operating companies serve the food processing, packaging and material handling segments.

We’re thrilled to announce that Multiscan is now a part of Duravant Lifecycle Services, a global network of Duravant operating company aftermarket organizations structured to support enhanced local delivery of all services, from purchase to installation, parts and maintenance to end-of-life and replacement.

Duravant Lifecycle Services is the latest expression of our parent company’s commitment to long-term, optimized equipment performance and customer success. It’s a mechanism for Multiscan to deliver greater benefit from Duravant’s scale, collective experience and expertise, financial strength, global presence and purchasing power. Duravant Lifecycle Services is built on a center of excellence model that supports our company-wide commitment to enhance and deepen the value we deliver to our customers.

The experts you trust to keep your Multiscan equipment running at peak performance will continue to support your aftermarket needs. Your highly trained technicians remain the same, your customer support team at Multiscan will still be there for you, and your trusted service advisors will maintain the same strong relationships you’ve come to depend on. You’ll have access to the same service team with more reach!

Contact us at to learn how we can help you maximize the value of your equipment.

Learn more about Duravant here