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Les sociétés d’exploitation de la famille Duravant desservent les secteurs de la transformation alimentaire, de l’emballage et de la manutention.

The Duravant family of operating companies serve the food processing, packaging and material handling segments.

Multiscan Technologies launches the new Multiscan S90 Citrus sorter, a compact system for the pre-grading of citrus in the packaging and repacking processes.

Equipped with SpinSort technology, it transports the fruit while producing a 360º turn, more efficiently detecting quality problems by color, shape or presence of defect thanks to its advanced optical vision systems. Highly efficient and versatile, it has multiple configurations of its sorting parameters

Among the main benefits provided are:

  • Eliminates rotten, green product before degreening and other external defects
  • Eliminate small caliber product
  • Maximize the good product that goes into the grader: higher profitability because there is more product packed per hour
  • Avoid investing in a larger grader
  • Labor savings compared to manual sorting

This equipment is already in operation in the facilities of reference clients within the sector. Do you want to know more about how it works? Access the full video of the Multiscan S90 Citrus

For more information, contact our team of specialist technicians.